TEQSA Guidance Notes

TEQSA publishes guidance notes to provide greater clarity for providers in the interpretation and application of selected standards. For providers considering initial registration as a Higher Education Provider (HEP), the following key guidance notes provide key reference and information in establishing the key governance bodies;

The corporate governance is the framework of structures, rules, relationships, systems and processes of an entity demonstrated through a formally constituted governing body (e.g. a board of governance) that is collectively accountable for the governance and performance of the entity overall, including, meeting and continuing to meet the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015 (HES Framework).

Academic governance is a subset of the overall governance of a higher education provider (provider). Academic governance is concerned with the integrity and quality of the core higher education activities of teaching, student learning, research (including research training) and scholarship. The delegated responsibility of overseeing academic governance, rests with an academic board.

HESF Standard 3.1.1 outlines the items that constitute the specification of the design.

As a cross-reference, there is a specific requirement to demonstrate the appropriateness, fitness of purpose and effectiveness of all methods of assessment for all providers (Standard 1.4.3) and there is specific detail on the requirements for and assessment of learning outcomes for research training by higher degrees, if undertaken by a provider (TEQSA, 2022).

Visit TEQSA’s website for a list of all the available Guidance Notes – Current Guidance Notes